School of
Political Sciences
“Cesare Alfieri”

Free online Italian language courses.

Free online Italian language courses. for university students or workers with international or special protection. Applicants must complete registration by 31 March 2025. The free online courses start on 5 May 2025.

Discover our School

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The School of Political Science, “Cesare Alfieri,” is the oldest in Italy. It was founded in 1875 under the name “School of Social Sciences” at the instigation of Carlo Alfieri di Sostegno, a notable Piedmontese and senator of the Kingdom of Italy. It later became the “Cesare Alfieri” Institute of Social Sciences in 1888, after Carlo’s father, also a senator and president of the council in the Kingdom of Sardinia and among the leading architects of the Albertine Statute.

In 1938, it was transformed into the Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”; a name maintained until 2013, when - as a result of the University System Reform Law 240 of 2010 - the original name of the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Sciences returned.




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